About Us

The Social Edition provides all the design, content, PR and social media optimisation brands need to ensure their campaign has maximum impact with audiences that matter, on channels that matter. We help uncover unique opportunities for businesses, define the brand vision, design and develop out of the box communication tactics across platforms and oversee seamless execution of the plan. We provide solutions across key verticals of brand communication from creative and web solutions through to social media management and influencer-led content amplification.

The Social Edition is powerhouse of talent and expertise, led by a team of experts with years of global experience in the fields of digital marketing, brand management, design & consultancy. We are insiders in a highly competitive and complex digital world – with experience in many different disciplines of communication, from journalism, advertising, marketing and public relations to influencer and social-led content marketing, across geographies and business sectors. The founding idea behind The Social Edition stems from our belief that everyone has a story to tell, but you need the right tools and tactic to be heard. With The Social Edition, we help you tell your story right.

Priyanka is the Founder of The Social Edition and CEO of influencer marketing platform, Teacup Influence. She brings over 20 years of experience in brand marketing and specialist consultancy. After graduating from Michigan, USA, she started her career as a journalist in New York, covering advertising and sports sponsorships. With a strong knowledge and on-ground experience on the business of brand marketing, Priyanka went on to work for a leading influencer marketing agency in London. For the past 9 years, Priyanka has helped global fashion, lifestyle and luxury brands identify and develop data-driven influencer & brand partnership opportunities in order to amplify and maximise ROI within overarching digital marketing strategies. Priyanka specialises in helping businesses navigate the rapidly evolving the global digital marketing landscape, whilst staying on top of the game and ahead of the trends.

Priyanka Mehra Dayal

Creative Director